What is Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)?

What is Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)?

At Bend Wellness Center…

We practice a gentle form of chiropractic care called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) also called Network Chiropractic and Network Care. As an Network Chiropractor, Dr. Jennifer Lane is trained to tune into your nervous system and support you in cultivating ease and resiliency out of challenges.

Network Chiropractic, Bend Oregon

In Network Chiropractic, we use precise, specific and gentle contacts along the spine to cue your nervous system to release tension and enhance wellbeing. We connect with the body’s innate intelligence and healing ability. As you receive care, you’ll develop a better connection with that innate intelligence - your intuition - knowing what you need for ongoing wellness.

NSA chiropractic can help with pain, tension and other stress-related issues. Network care can also help improve your quality of life, creating an environment where you can work with emotional pain and trauma that may be stored in the body. Many patients experience a deep resourcefulness as a result of receiving Network care and a greater sense of ease and joy in their body.

How Does Network work?

The gentle contacts of Network chiropractic assist the nervous system in shifting from defense physiology of fight/flight/freeze to healing physiology of flow. These contacts are focused primarily along the spine at specific areas known as spinal gateways. Spinal gateways are areas of ease. When we focus on entraining to ease rather than fixing the broken bits, the body responds and reorganizes.

The founder of NSA, Dr. Donald Epstein, DC, developed this chiropractic technique to be an evidence-based approach to clearing subluxations or misalignments in the spine. He found that a gentle approach produced profound effects not only in the physical structure of the spine and body, but also in the mind and spirit. Neuroscientist, Candace Pace, PhD (1946-2013) said “Network spinal analysis represents the epitome of body, mind, spirit integration. This work will transform the planet.”

During a Network session, a patient may experience healing waves traveling along their spine. These waves dissipate tension (what we call Adverse Mechanical Cord Tension or AMCT) and bring forth coherency through the central nervous system. A study by scientists at the University of Southern California found that over time, these healing waves can help the central nervous system gain higher levels of organization which promotes improved wellness.

Benefits of Network Chiropractic

Network Spinal Analysis assists the body-mind-spirit in developing new strategies to:

  • Adapt to stress

  • Dissipate tension from the spine and nerves

  • Connect with the natural rhythms

  • Experience greater well being

  • Make healthier life choices

So, if you’re struggling with chronic, multifaceted health challenges, consider NSA. This paradigm of healing invites improved physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Your Physical Health

When there is acute or chronic stress or tension in the body, the musculoskeletal system will likely be affected. The gentle contacts reduce subluxations and invite the body into alignment. As the body finds greater ease, pain and chronic health conditions (such as digestive problems, fatigue, brain fog, etc.) can be reduced or even eliminated.

Your Mental & Emotional Health

Case studies on the benefits of Network care have demonstrated that NSA can help with conditions of depression and anxiety. With regular care, patients have experienced dramatic emotional healing.

Is Network Chiropractic for me?

Because Network Spinal Analysis is an especially gentle form of bodywork and chiropractic, it is a safe treatment for almost anyone, from infants to seniors. Dr. Jennifer creates a care plan specific to your needs so that you are empowered with wellness strategies to improve your health and live your best life.

We’d love to see you at Bend Wellness Center!

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